Articles by University Place

Across the United States, increasing numbers of parents are refusing some or all vaccines on behalf of their children. This practice of vaccine refusal is commonplace enough that it is causing upward trends in preventable childhood infectious diseases.
The 1918 influenza pandemic prompted intense interest in the disease, including in Wisconsin, placing scientists in the state at the vanguard of flu research over the ensuing century.
The story of opioids in the 21st century is one fraught with urgency, pain and heartbreak.
In places where the common grape vine recoils from the cold, old and new hybrid varieties are supporting a growing commitment to viticulture in the Midwest.
Dotted across Wisconsin's landscape, Native American casinos are a relatively recent addition to the state's economic and social fabric.
In water-rich Wisconsin, the use of groundwater for municipal water systems and agricultural irrigation can lead to conflict.
One Wisconsin Christmas story that stands out is an early 20th Century shipwreck that serves as a reminder of the often-dangerous conditions faced by those who have plied the Great Lakes' waters.
Young children inevitably fall as they learn what they can do physically and experiment with their limits. If a fall results in a blow to the head, the child may have sustained a traumatic brain injury.
Breakfast enthusiasts understand the importance of a quality maple syrup. But the real stuff often isn't in the big bottles that line grocery store shelves.
Fall can be a turbulent time for gardeners, as an encroaching chill in the air begins to leach the life from the plants they've worked hard to nurture through the spring and summer.