
Kathleen Falk, one of the regional directors for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is likely looking at a job change soon — her job is a political appointment under President Barack Obama's administration. But she had a strikingly sunny outlook about the future of the Affordable Care Act.
Thanksgiving and the holiday season brings families together to share a meal that often centers on roast turkey and all the fixings. But to avoid spreading foodborne illness, appropriate steps for roasting the bird should be taken.
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As Republicans take control of both the White House and Congress, and vow to repeal the Affordable Care Act, open enrollment for a new year is beginning. U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services regional director Kathleen Falk discusses the future of the health insurance marketplace.
The 2016 presidential election marked the first for which Wisconsin's voter ID rule in place, and turnout hit record lows. UW-Madison La Follette School of Public Affairs professor Ken Mayer will study turnout in Milwaukee and Madison to learn more about the requirement's role in elections.
That delicious Thanksgiving spread this year will be the least expensive its been since 2010, according to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau.
A U.S. Geological Survey study recommends timely removal of fallen leaves from streets as a way to improve urban water quality.
As a new gun deer hunting season gets underway, tissue samples from around the state will pile up at Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory facilities in Madison.
Thousands of deer hunters are expected to head into the woods Saturday for the nine-day gun deer hunt in Wisconsin. But there are concerns about a major regulation change, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
A number of water utilities around Wisconsin offer rebates on shower heads, faucets or toilets to reduce water consumption.
Some Wisconsin farmers and grain elevators are struggling to find storage space for this year's record harvest.